Orthodontics is a field of dentistry that focuses on the growth and development of the face and facial features. In addition, this specialty can address various problems, such as malpositioned teeth, crooked teeth, and improper bite patterns. In other words, this field is also referred to as dentofacial orthopedics. Patients who need orthodontic...

Orthodontics is a specialty within dentistry that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of malpositioned teeth. The treatments used by an orthodontist may be related to preventing and correcting the onset of malpositioning and may even involve modifying facial growth and development. The most common type of orthodontics treatment is braces, which...

The specialty of dentistry is known as orthodontics. This field involves the diagnosis and treatment of malpositioned teeth. It is also an area of specialty in which the facial growth is altered. This specialty of dentistry is very popular and requires a highly trained and skilled professional. Orthodontists help people improve their smiles and...



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